Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Phantom - Maritime Museum of San Diego

Received from Kermit Beaver (63-65). 




Starring Ed Harris and David Duchovny
In theaters everywhere March 1st, 2013
"Phantom is one of the most realistic post-WWII submarine movies that has
 ever been made.  It is also the first Hollywood movie shot almost entirely
inside an actual, Soviet cold-war submarine, docked at the Maritime
Museum of San Diego.  In particular, the film truly captures the unique
camaraderie and courage any submarine crew experiences, whether
 American or Soviet."  -Captain Charles MacVean, US Navy (ret). 
 Former Skipper, USS SEAWOLF (SSN-575).
At the first public screening held for the San Diego Maritime Museum last
Thursday, we were proud to have US Navy Captain Charles MacVean in
attendance.  During our Q&A that followed, he said the above quote.
INSPIRED BY ACTUAL EVENTS:  Phantom is a tense, claustrophobic
 undersea thriller about a Cold War Russian submarine crew, who risk
everything to stop a rogue nuclear missile launch that could start WW3.   
Maritime Museum of San Diego:
Get the word out!  Contact your fellow submariners
and support this film.


Inline image 1

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Stan belongs to the SubVet RVr's club, and can use your inputs.

Kirk Smith


Hi Shipmates,

I am writing another book and need your help.  It is called WestPac Sailor and is about the escapades we all were involved in one way or another.  There are lots of good stories to be told.  Here is how it works.  On the website I am about to give you there is a form where you can tell your story(s).  By using that form your story(s) will come to me as anonymous.  I will have no idea who sent it.  Should you want your named added to it you will need to include your name at the end of the story. So have a little fun.  No holds bared.  Any language.  Don't worry about making it perfect.  I will edit for the book.

I know you have stories from the good old days so lets hear them and lets get them in print.

You can use Word or some other program but when you are done you can just cut and paste it into the email.  Any length you want.  Longer the better.  Take your time.  No hurry.

Here is the website: 


Best Regards,

Stan Cook Books By Cook

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Each of you has access to your record at  You need to go there and make sure all of the data is correct, and fill in what ever may be missing. If you need any assistance, contact me

Kirk Smith


Navy Veterans Update Information

This E-Gram is a reminder about some of the Database entry processes and why we do them.
> 1. Full Names: Please enter the Full Name of the member. (Ex: Patrick Frank Householder) and be careful about spelling. If they have a nickname, enter it on the line for that purpose. In our registry of submariners, there are many thousands of men listed and it is amazing how many share the same first and last name, so it helps keep them straight. (More on this later)
> 2. Next of Kin: It is CRUCIAL that we have recorded in his/her record the next of kin for every member and how to contact them. When the next of kin is the spouse/partner and lives at the same address, the main contact info is sufficient.
> If the NOK lives apart from the member, we need to have that contact info entered into the record in the area designated Spouse/Partner Next of Kin Emergency Contact. (either address, phone number or email).
> There is a RELATIONSHIP menu of choices (dropdown) to designate the type of next of kin as well. (Ex: Spouse, Parent, Partner, etc)
> Please remind your current members that if their NOK information changes to let you know so their record can be corrected. We need this information for emergency situations and, should the worst happen, so that condolences can be made by other shipmates and our national Chaplain.
> 3. NAVY CAREER information TAB. At the top row on this member record tab is a HIGHEST RATE/RANK line. The purpose here is to record the NAVY rank AND rate of the person when they left/retired from military service, whether Active or Reserve. Also add (SS) following the rate/rank [EX: EM2(SS)] as this will add silver dolphins to the member's directory page. If the shipmate was a officer, you'll need to click the INSIGNIA tab. Then choose the proper dolphins.
> Never enter the rates and ranks from the other branches of the military on this HIGHEST RATE/RANK line. There is another line called OTHER MILITARY SERVICE for that purpose.
> 3. Total Military Years Served. This line should reflect the first year the member entered ANY branch of service, Active or Reserve, and the year they were Honorably Discharged or Retired from ANY branch of military service. This information affects our status as a War Veterans organization.
> 4. SHIPS TAB: Each Navy vessel served aboard should be entered here, alone with the year the member reported and the year the member transferred off. The member's highest ONBOARD rank/rate should be entered on the second line down.
> A special circumstance to be aware of.
> When you entered the Qual boat and year under the USSVI Tab, the system automatically a boat record and checked the qual year for you, but since the shipmate probably reported aboard the year prior, and served in later years as well, please check off all the years that apply.
> The Submariners Registry. Each USSVI member record is also a part of our ongoing USSVI/Decklog Submariner's Registry project.
> The goal is to record the service of EVERY USN Submariner in a permanent record as a testiment to their service, whether they belong to USSVI or not. We have enlisted the help of SVWWII and many boat association recordkeepers to help in this project as well.
> For this reason we want our USSVI records to be complete as possible. As of this writing there are over 82,000 submariners recorded, of which over 25,000 are on eternal patrol.
> This comprehensive online record of submariners is unique and we believe it is a important historical record of the submarine force for future historians and for our family members and those of our shipmates.
> Other than creating and maintaining acccurate records for your base members, no other action is required on your part, because the records are part of the whole.
> Thanks for reading and if you have questions or concerns, please get back to me.
> Pride Runs Deep!
> Patrick Householder

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Twin Lakes Submarine Base

I want to wish good health and prayers to the wives of  members of Twin Lakes US Submarine Veterans Base of Mountain Home, Arkansas. Several have been very ill. Please keep them in your prayers.

United States Submarine Veterans Inc.

> A short video, linked below, explains how a USSVI member can log-in to the
> website so that member contact information in the online
> directory can be viewed.
> In addition, the current or back issue AMERICAN SUBMARINER magazines can be
> read online when logged in.
> There are a number of other helpful "How To" videos available for your
> viewing under the [VIDEO] Button at
> Just click the [WEBSITE HOW TO] button and whatever is of interest to you.
> They include the USSVI Online Museum, how to find and contact any of our
> bases, how to find shipmates, where the memorials are located, searching the
> Eternal Patrol records, & finding Sub School records
> =========================================================
> NEWS-02: Your USSVI Record and next of kin
> Submitted by: Office on 1/31/2013
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Please give this message the widest distribution possibile to your base
> members.
> Shipmates, in our USSVI member record there is a place to enter our next of
> kin and how to contact them. It is an unfortunate reality that if and when
> we are called to eternal patrol, it is too late to provide that contact
> information and it becomes very difficult for the National or Base Chaplain
> to offer any comfort or support because they do not know who to contact.
> We have had several shipmates pass over the bar this last week, and had no
> next of kin information recorded in their record.
> If you have current next of kin already entered into your record, thank you
> and read no more.
> If not, however, please help us and get your current next of kin information
> added to your record along with at least a telephone number so that we can
> offer support when that time comes along.
> You can do this by updating your own record at, by notifying
> your Base Commander or membership person and ask him to have it added, or by
> sending it to the national office ( with a similar
> request to add.
> Thanks for helping us to ultimately help your next of kin.
> =========================================================
> NEWS-03: National and Base Awards
> Submitted by: James A Fox on 1/31/2013
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> It is that time of year to take some time to write up recommendations for
> National Awards for your deserving Base members.
> No doubt you have shipmates that deserve the recognition for their hard
> work, and it shines a favorable light on your base as well.
> Don't recall the awards and criteria?
> Some of the criteria have changed since last year, so go to this link for a
> careful review:
> Please don't wait until the last minute to get your recommendations to
> Awards Chairman John Stanford at
> (All but newsletter award is due by April 30st.)
> Thanks for your extra effort.
> Submitted on behalf of John Stanford, Awards Chair,

Sunday, February 10, 2013

USS Sea Leopard Reunion

There are about 120 days left until the Sea Leopard crew comes together in Buffalo, NY for the Reunion.  John and I have booked an exciting week of friendship, history, ships, and fantastic food for your enjoyment.
All the details and the registration form are now on our Reunion Website .  
You can email us with any questions or call, but now is the time to make your hotel reservations(April 1 deadline for special price), fill out your registration , and send us your deposit of $70 per person (by March 1).  
Also be thinking about any door prizes you'd like to bring and contribute to the cause.  After checking out the links to the Naval Park, Niagara Falls, the Hotel, etc., I know you will be intrigued and anxious as we are for June 10 to arrive!  
John and Sandy Radens                             
PS: Some facts for your entertainment pleasure:
  • Submarine sailors are a unique breed
  • We are all getting older
  • The United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. (USSVI) now has over 80,000 Submarine Veterans listed on their Website. USSVI Home Page
  • We (Sea Leopard Vets) have our own portion of that site. Click here to see it
  • We have 450 Sea Leopard Shipmates who have already listed themselves on that site. To see them, just click on the red Crew's List button on the left once you get to that page.
  • There, you can also list yourself and it's free to do so (we show about ½ of you are not yet listed).
  • Stanford and Laemont are working to make this site a central point for all of us to use as the years go by.
  • Would you please take 10 minutes and list your information there, if you haven't already done so? 
  • Send an email to if you have any questions.
Pride Runs Deep,
John Radens FT2(SS) 69-71
Reunion Overview 
When: June 10 through 14, 2013
Where: Buffalo, NY
Base: Adam's Mark Buffalo-Niagra Hotel
Quick Links

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


NEWS-01: USS Golet Lost Boat Memorial Re-dedication Submitted by: Office on 2/4/2013

After years of hard work trying to get the USS Golet lost boat memorial re-established in a place on honor in Louisiana, Dennis Gilbert and others of Redfish Base will rededicate this memorial and torpedo on March 9, 2013.  NSVC Carl Schmidt will be in attendance to represent all the officers of USSVI.

 BZ, Dennis Gilbert!

 You are invited to join them for the Submariner Memorial Dedication on Saturday March 9, 2013 at the Jefferson Parish Veterans Memorial Square in Metairie, LA at 11 AM.
The video linked below tells the story...


Submitted by: James A Fox on 2/5/2013
The 2012-4 AMERICAN SUBMARINER was put in the mail January 31 and will be in your hands hopefully this week.







Sunday, February 3, 2013

Veteran Volunteers Share their Stories

I receive the U. S. Undersea Warfare News each day from Sublant. This was in todays edition, Jan. 22

AURORA, Colo. - Right now, some U.S. Navy submarine veterans are on an important mission across land-locked Colorado. They are cheering up children involved in the fight of a lifetime.

Everyday Hero Gene Keller leads the Denver area chapter of the U.S. Submarine Veterans group. One of his favorite community outreach programs is a national effort called KapSS 4 KidSS.

"I get a good feeling out of it because I make the kid happy," said Keller.

"A lot of them lose their hair and so that's where the caps come from, KapSS 4 KidSS.  And we make them honorary submariners and give stuff and just pay a little attention to them," said Gene Nagel, KapSS 4 KidSS.

Keller served on the U.S.S. Tinosa during the Cold War. He understands subs, and battling the odds.

"I am a cancer survivor and my wife is too, so I have got a little bit of empathy," said Keller.

Once a month the submarine vets visit with kids at the Aurora Ronald McDonald House and area hospitals to play games with the young patients, share some submarine history, and help the kids and their parents take their mind off their troubles for awhile.

Submarine veterans nationwide take part in KapSS 4 KidSS. They have 13,000 members, including in the Mile High City.

"A lot of people don't believe there are submariners in Colorado. Well, there are 84 here in Denver," said Nagel.

They are people like Gene Keller, who have served their country and continue to give.


Friday, February 1, 2013


One of the most significant and important days of my Naval career was the day I was initiated and inducted into the Chief Petty Officer community. I'll never forget when the Chief Petty Officer Creed was read at that ceremony. Additionally, as COB, I had the honor to read that creed to several classes on new Chiefs. The creed speaks of the initiation - without an initiation and induction, I wonder what happens to the creed?, Jan. 30

For 119 years, the ranks of Chief Petty Officer have exemplified experience and success, throughout many changes.
Now, Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy Michael Stevens and the rest of the Navy Chief’s Mess greet another change.
They will say goodbye to the words Chief’s induction and initiation and embrace the new, modern concept of CPO 365.
“Our charge as Chief Petty Officers is to develop our Sailors every day,” Fleet Master Chief Charles Clarke, Fleet Master Chief, Fleet Forces Command, said. “Change is sometimes necessary to move forward. CPO 365 allows more time to embed our values, history and leadership tenets.” 
At Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay CPO 365 not only affects those selected to become the Navy’s newest Chief Petty Officers, but those First Class Petty Officers who are working their way to the next stage of their Navy careers.
“CPO 365 will better represent our year-round commitment to prepare our First Class Petty Officers to become effective Chief Petty Officers, whether they are selected this year or in the future,” said Command Master Chief Shaun Garvin, Submarine Group Ten Command Master Chief.
The concept of a year-long development and training process for FCPOs was first introduced in 2010 under former MCPON Rick West. It consists of a two-phase process — the first begins in September and ends upon selection of new Chief Petty Officers.
Under MCPON Stevens’ revised program, detailed in his 2012-2013 CPO 365 Guidance, all FCPOs will participate through the duration of Phase One, whether they are board-eligible or not. 
“As a junior first class petty officer, I have gotten a lot out of the training,” Religious Programs Specialist 1st Class Michael Brewer said. “Getting the opportunity to network and work alongside my fellow 1st classes, which have been doing this longer, will make it easier for me when my opportunity comes to take the next step in my career as a Chief Petty Officer.”
Once CPO selection results are announced, the second phase begins with the same principled, professional leadership training that has been conducted all year.
While selectees complete the Chief Petty Officer Selectee Leadership Course, non-selectees will have the opportunity to continue yearlong training.
“One of the keys to this process is establishing the culture of fitness and providing the sound physical readiness that our future Chief Petty Officers need to carry us into the 21st century,” said Command Master Chief Randy Huckaba, Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay Command Master Chief.
There’s always been Physical Training involved with Chief’s inductions. But with CPO 365, the process will be lengthened from six weeks to a year.
Chief Culinary Specialist Warren Wauson said it’s a great way to introduce a new, faster-paced workout program that is good for the entire body.
“This will strengthen the Navy’s PT program, that will increase physical readiness year around, while strengthening the relationship between Chiefs and future Chiefs of the Navy,” Wauson said.
The Kings Bay Chief’s Mess will take on the charge of CPO 365 and will be an example of what success can come from change.
“What has been refreshing to hear, when I travel around the base, are the positive attitudes from the Sailors willing to step forward and volunteer to be part of the process,” Huckaba said. “Our defining point will always be the day we accept the new Chiefs in uniform. But our best work will be done throughout the year.”