Thursday, February 21, 2013

Navy Veterans Update Information

This E-Gram is a reminder about some of the Database entry processes and why we do them.
> 1. Full Names: Please enter the Full Name of the member. (Ex: Patrick Frank Householder) and be careful about spelling. If they have a nickname, enter it on the line for that purpose. In our registry of submariners, there are many thousands of men listed and it is amazing how many share the same first and last name, so it helps keep them straight. (More on this later)
> 2. Next of Kin: It is CRUCIAL that we have recorded in his/her record the next of kin for every member and how to contact them. When the next of kin is the spouse/partner and lives at the same address, the main contact info is sufficient.
> If the NOK lives apart from the member, we need to have that contact info entered into the record in the area designated Spouse/Partner Next of Kin Emergency Contact. (either address, phone number or email).
> There is a RELATIONSHIP menu of choices (dropdown) to designate the type of next of kin as well. (Ex: Spouse, Parent, Partner, etc)
> Please remind your current members that if their NOK information changes to let you know so their record can be corrected. We need this information for emergency situations and, should the worst happen, so that condolences can be made by other shipmates and our national Chaplain.
> 3. NAVY CAREER information TAB. At the top row on this member record tab is a HIGHEST RATE/RANK line. The purpose here is to record the NAVY rank AND rate of the person when they left/retired from military service, whether Active or Reserve. Also add (SS) following the rate/rank [EX: EM2(SS)] as this will add silver dolphins to the member's directory page. If the shipmate was a officer, you'll need to click the INSIGNIA tab. Then choose the proper dolphins.
> Never enter the rates and ranks from the other branches of the military on this HIGHEST RATE/RANK line. There is another line called OTHER MILITARY SERVICE for that purpose.
> 3. Total Military Years Served. This line should reflect the first year the member entered ANY branch of service, Active or Reserve, and the year they were Honorably Discharged or Retired from ANY branch of military service. This information affects our status as a War Veterans organization.
> 4. SHIPS TAB: Each Navy vessel served aboard should be entered here, alone with the year the member reported and the year the member transferred off. The member's highest ONBOARD rank/rate should be entered on the second line down.
> A special circumstance to be aware of.
> When you entered the Qual boat and year under the USSVI Tab, the system automatically a boat record and checked the qual year for you, but since the shipmate probably reported aboard the year prior, and served in later years as well, please check off all the years that apply.
> The Submariners Registry. Each USSVI member record is also a part of our ongoing USSVI/Decklog Submariner's Registry project.
> The goal is to record the service of EVERY USN Submariner in a permanent record as a testiment to their service, whether they belong to USSVI or not. We have enlisted the help of SVWWII and many boat association recordkeepers to help in this project as well.
> For this reason we want our USSVI records to be complete as possible. As of this writing there are over 82,000 submariners recorded, of which over 25,000 are on eternal patrol.
> This comprehensive online record of submariners is unique and we believe it is a important historical record of the submarine force for future historians and for our family members and those of our shipmates.
> Other than creating and maintaining acccurate records for your base members, no other action is required on your part, because the records are part of the whole.
> Thanks for reading and if you have questions or concerns, please get back to me.
> Pride Runs Deep!
> Patrick Householder

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