Friday, February 1, 2013


One of the most significant and important days of my Naval career was the day I was initiated and inducted into the Chief Petty Officer community. I'll never forget when the Chief Petty Officer Creed was read at that ceremony. Additionally, as COB, I had the honor to read that creed to several classes on new Chiefs. The creed speaks of the initiation - without an initiation and induction, I wonder what happens to the creed?, Jan. 30

For 119 years, the ranks of Chief Petty Officer have exemplified experience and success, throughout many changes.
Now, Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy Michael Stevens and the rest of the Navy Chief’s Mess greet another change.
They will say goodbye to the words Chief’s induction and initiation and embrace the new, modern concept of CPO 365.
“Our charge as Chief Petty Officers is to develop our Sailors every day,” Fleet Master Chief Charles Clarke, Fleet Master Chief, Fleet Forces Command, said. “Change is sometimes necessary to move forward. CPO 365 allows more time to embed our values, history and leadership tenets.” 
At Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay CPO 365 not only affects those selected to become the Navy’s newest Chief Petty Officers, but those First Class Petty Officers who are working their way to the next stage of their Navy careers.
“CPO 365 will better represent our year-round commitment to prepare our First Class Petty Officers to become effective Chief Petty Officers, whether they are selected this year or in the future,” said Command Master Chief Shaun Garvin, Submarine Group Ten Command Master Chief.
The concept of a year-long development and training process for FCPOs was first introduced in 2010 under former MCPON Rick West. It consists of a two-phase process — the first begins in September and ends upon selection of new Chief Petty Officers.
Under MCPON Stevens’ revised program, detailed in his 2012-2013 CPO 365 Guidance, all FCPOs will participate through the duration of Phase One, whether they are board-eligible or not. 
“As a junior first class petty officer, I have gotten a lot out of the training,” Religious Programs Specialist 1st Class Michael Brewer said. “Getting the opportunity to network and work alongside my fellow 1st classes, which have been doing this longer, will make it easier for me when my opportunity comes to take the next step in my career as a Chief Petty Officer.”
Once CPO selection results are announced, the second phase begins with the same principled, professional leadership training that has been conducted all year.
While selectees complete the Chief Petty Officer Selectee Leadership Course, non-selectees will have the opportunity to continue yearlong training.
“One of the keys to this process is establishing the culture of fitness and providing the sound physical readiness that our future Chief Petty Officers need to carry us into the 21st century,” said Command Master Chief Randy Huckaba, Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay Command Master Chief.
There’s always been Physical Training involved with Chief’s inductions. But with CPO 365, the process will be lengthened from six weeks to a year.
Chief Culinary Specialist Warren Wauson said it’s a great way to introduce a new, faster-paced workout program that is good for the entire body.
“This will strengthen the Navy’s PT program, that will increase physical readiness year around, while strengthening the relationship between Chiefs and future Chiefs of the Navy,” Wauson said.
The Kings Bay Chief’s Mess will take on the charge of CPO 365 and will be an example of what success can come from change.
“What has been refreshing to hear, when I travel around the base, are the positive attitudes from the Sailors willing to step forward and volunteer to be part of the process,” Huckaba said. “Our defining point will always be the day we accept the new Chiefs in uniform. But our best work will be done throughout the year.”


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