Subject: USSVI OFFICIAL BUSINESS: SubVet News - #2012-093
NEWS-01: Veterans propose submarine monument at Library Square
Submitted by: Pat Householder on 10/9/2012
Periscope up. Salt Lake Citys namesake nuclear submarine may be coming home for the first time and docking permanently at a park near you.
More accurately, a veterans group wants the 180-foot-long deck and 27-foot-tall conning tower of the decommissioned USS Salt Lake City to be implanted downtown at Library Square.
The Utah Chapter of World War II and Retired Nuclear Submariners rolled out the proposal recently to the Salt Lake City Library Board of Directors. The board has an advisory role but will not make the final decision and took the matter under advisement.
Go to the link for the story...
NEWS-02: Redo: Subvet Memorial Plaque in Washington DC
The recently sent POC with info on this National Project had a link that was non-functional.
Here is another link that will explain the project and show a picture of the plaque as well.
NEWS-03: Submarine Force Makes the Case for a New Sub
The leaders of the submarine force talk amongst themselves about the importance of building a new class of ballistic-missile submarines, but now they are making a more public case.
Nearly all of the senior officers attending a classified conference on undersea warfare technology at the Naval Submarine Base in Groton last week spoke about how critical it is to replace the aging Ohio-class boats, Rear Adm. Barry Bruner said Wednesday.
Go to the link for the story...
NEWS-04: EB group's job is envisioning what submarines will do in the future
Nearly everyone at Electric Boat is focused on current submarine programs. Three people are not.
They are the concept formulation group, or in EB lingo, CONFORM. Their sole job is to figure out how today's submarines can be made to do more and how future submarines should be made for what they may be called on to do.
Go to the link for the story...
NEWS-05: 50th USS Thresher Memorial Service Invitation to all USSVI Members
Submitted by: James A Fox on 10/10/2012
On April 6, 2013, United States Submarine Veterans Thresher Base along with the Commander, Portsmouth Naval Shipyard will jointly host the 50th Annual USS Thresher Memorial Service, honoring the memories of the 129 men lost aboard USS Thresher on April 10, 1963.
The service will be held at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard starting at 1300.
Our invited keynote speaker is the Navys most senior submariner, Admiral Jonathan W. Greenert, Chief of Naval Operations.
A reception area will beup adjacent to the memorial service area, featuring the USS Thresher family storyboards. The post-service reception is open to all and will include light refreshments.
Join us in celebrating the lives of the men lost by showing your gratitude and support to the family members they left behind simply by showing up in uniform and taking time to meet the family members.
Many of the children of the men lost were too young to remember their fathers, and they have a strong desire to learn and connect with them. If you knew one of the men lost, you have the unique ability to provide them with a direct connection to their fathers, sharing information they will treasure for the rest of their lives and pass on to subsequent generations.
Some of the children will be attending our service for the first time, a number of which have never been aboard a submarine. As a submarine veteran, you can provide the family members with an increased understanding of what their father experienced while serving aboard a submarine.
The event will be open to those who have received and RSVPd to a formal invitation, and by those who possess a current military ID (active duty and retired). If you do not have a current military ID and would like to be added to the invitation and PNS gate security access list, please email Kevin Galeaz at with your address, and with the names and addresses of those that will attend along with you to permit PNS access security vetting. Those without email access can leave me a detailed phone message at 603-232-6201.
If you are unable to be with us in person, please consider contributing to the pre-service slide and video presentation with an email or video message from your Base to the family and former crew members in attendance. The memorial service will be filmed and transmitted via satellite over the internet by the Defense Video & Imagery Distribution System on the website: I encourage your Base to consider viewing the event live as a group, joining with us to perpetuate the memories of the men lost aboard USS Thresher (SSN-593) on April 10, 1963.
Kevin Galeaz
USSVI Thresher Base Commander
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