Tuesday, January 19, 2010

For our military retired shipmates: Recently Emails have been distributed concerning Tricare For Life and the possibility of changes which would cost us money for our medical care. You are encouraged to check out the following websites and sign up for their automatic weekly updates. Health care is a high priority item for these organizations. Doing this will keep you well informed. Military Officers Association of America: http://www.moaa.org National Association for Uniformed Services: http://www.naus.org Veterans of Foreign Wars: http://www.vfw.org The Retired Enlisted Association: http://www.trea.org Military.com site: http://www.military.com On one site the following was quoted: "There is absolutely nothing in health care reform that will affect TRICARE beneficiaries." The info indicates that TFL is safe for 2010 only, however we need to stay on top of this to insure that congress does not authorize any TFL treatment costs, etc. in the upcoming year. Please review the sites above and remain current on TFL proposals coming out of congress. Here is a very good article that will interest you:http://www.moaa.org/lac/lac_asiseeit/lac_asiseeit_2010/lac_asiseeit_100114.htm All the best. Geo Arnold, USS Sea Fox

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