Monday, February 15, 2016

Submarine Veterans Promote Yourselves

I would love to hear if  you  purchased my book, and did you enjoy it or not. Please help promote our/submarine veterans. We need to get this out to student in schools and libraries. Thanks a million. Sure, I have a personal interest, because my husband has two stories in it. I remember, at one of the National Conference visiting with different submarine veterans about getting their stories out - we must not allow people to forget. More than once, a veteran would remark, "No one cares."  My remark was, "How can people care, if they don't know the sacrifices you all have made."

Most of the articles on this subject are published in military magazines where most of the public never pick up or read.

My husband has a long career in the Navy. I have been a big supporter of submarine veterans for over 30 years. I thank you all, for the support you have provide for,  Heroes Beneath the Waves. Submarine Stories of the Twentieth Century.

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