Tuesday, July 20, 2010

NEWS-01: On the Shoulders of Giants: Innovation and Courage - The Legacy of World War II Submarine Veterans Submitted by: Pat Householder on 7/11/2010 --------------------------------------------------------- by Daniel T. Rean. The numbers tell a story. They do not lie. According to the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, approximately 900 World War II veterans die every day. But that number is not the whole story. We cannot simply consider statistical losses when we look at that number. What we are really losing is a unique brand of warriors who let nothing stand in the way of the march toward victory, and no group of World War II veterans typified that never-say-die attitude better than that of America’s submarine service. Click on the link for the rest of the story... http://www.militaryhistoryonline.com/wwii/articles/shouldersofgiants.aspx I do hope STORY HOUSE PRODUCTIONS is still working on the series of WORLD WAR II SUBMARINES AND THEIR CREWS IN THE PACIFIC. The veterans that are still living are in their 80s and 90s, The men of the "Silent Service" as it was known are afraid to share for they believe no one cares or believes their story, for war stories appear, to unreal for those who never went to war. With God walking beside them these men and women provided the freedoms we so freely enjoy.

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