Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Hi All:

 The next USS SEA FOX (SS-402) Association Reunion will be May 22 - May 27, 2016 at The INN at San Ignatio (as in 2011) in Green Valley, AZ.  Suites $99 and rooms $79.  Come earlier for Saturday, May 21 SubVets Tucson Base meeting if you want.  INN (520) 393-5700 or look up their 800 number on the web.
Monday night Welcome Dinner at Jerry Bob's in Green Valley, a restaurant owned by Jeremy Johnson, grandson of one of our three remaining ambulatory WW II submariners, Les Johnson.  Perhaps a meal at Cafe Tremelo, a restaurant owned by the son of our own SEA FOX sailor, Carle Blackwell.  Maybe Closing Dinner at the Famous Cow Palace ( we were there before).  Perhaps a tour of our local Navy JROTC unit facility.  Otherwise very low key.  Lots of relaxing and Sea Story telling.

 There will be an official announcement coming with all the info after we work out the details.  And, coverage in our next newsletter.
We are a "Last-man-standing" organization.  There are fewer and fewer of us left.  I am open to hosting more reunions and I hope others are as well.  Yet, it may turn out otherwise.  This may be our last stand.  So show up.  We will have a great time.



Saturday, March 7, 2015

Anthony "Scooter" Teague USS Sea Fox

Anyone that knew my father



My father was on the SeaFox I believe around the late 60s.  He died when I was 16 and I never got to hear many stories from when he was on the sub.  His name was Anthony "Scooter" Teague.  I would very much like to email some of his crewmates if you can find his information.  I appreciate all your help.

Best regards,
Christian Teague