Saturday, February 28, 2015


Subject: Submarine Birthday Ball

We are now reserved in stone and have new lower rates for our birthday celebration in Branson.  Please come enjoy the fun.  Reserve your spot now by emailing me,calling me, or sending mail to me.  Mail is needed eventually to send me your registration cost of $25 per person.  This cost will cover the hospitality room and refreshments, dinner for the actual celebration, and cost of cake.  Room rates will be $75 per night and we have blocked the rooms for the nights of 10 and 11 April.  The actual dinner will be April 11.  We will have the ceremony.....dinner....and a few lies about how good we have grown to be since it has been so long ago that we were just marginal.  I am also setting up a discounted show for Friday evening and I have discounted tickets available at the Veterans Museum and a few free tickets to Shepard of the Hills Inspiration Tower. Please let me know if you intend to go to the show on Friday when you make your reservation with me.  Which show is still to be determined depending on how good of discounts I can get. There is always shopping so bring your "expert shoppers" with you.  Last year we had a really good time and the Welk took great care of us....these rooms are way nice especially for only $75 each.

Reserve your room by calling 800-505-9355 or email to and  telling them you are with Sub vets group #404397.  

Billy is in charge of the ceremony so see him if you would like to help.  Other bases are invited so this is a chance for all of us to meet and share lies with folks who haven't heard them yet.  

Please include this in newsletter and on website.  I know many members are not addressed on this email, please share as needed to get the word out.  See you in April.

Pride Runs Deep!

 Alan Malone

 734 Good Springs Rd.

Heber Springs, AR 72543


Sunday, February 22, 2015


Secrets of the Dead/ The man who saved the world.
Cuban Missile Crisis October 1962

I watch it last night. Very, very, interesting.
Information released after 40 years.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Check out the Undersea Warfare magazine.

Monday, February 9, 2015


Interesting film about the development of the Polaris Submarines - 1st patrol in 1960, and patrol of #41 (USS Will Rogers) in 1967. Certainly the primary factor for the USA to come out on top in the Cold War.



Tuesday, February 3, 2015

War Beneath the Waves by Mary Nida Smith - Petition for Endorsements and Reviews

My agent, Jeanie Loiacono, and I are seeking readers who would be interested in endorsing and reviewing my latest nonfiction, War Beneath the Waves, with possible inclusion on the cover, inside and most definitely on all the social media.

Skyhorse Publishing acquired the manuscript for Submarine Stories of World War II, which was previously published by Red Engine Press, 2008, and requested more stories. Now there will be about forty stories, other interesting information and lots more photos.  Many World War II submarine veterans shared their stories—stories that needed to be record for future generations to know the pains and fears of those brave, young men who helped win the war. The new edition will include 20th and 21st Century Submariners—between wars and quiet times—as well.
I am diligently searching for Vice Admiral Al Konetzni, USN (Ret) who is known to support and speak at WW II Submarine Veterans reunions. I have one of his business cards, but the information is outdated. If anyone has his contact information other than LinkedIn, please let me know.