Monday, April 14, 2014

Submitted by: Al Singleman, Jr. NJVC & Natl Membership Chair on 4/9/2014


Dear Shipmate:

Over the past several years our membership has been flat staying between 13,000 and maxing out close to 14,000 only to revert back by 1,000 members at the end of renewal period in February when the dinks agreed.

Most of Bases are doing a good job on trying to retain their members by using the requested methods, but we need to do a better job in order to grow USSVI. Right now we are losing about 6.7% to 7.6% of our members to non-renewal at the end of the year.

Therefore I am asking the membership for ideas on ways to get new members to join USSVI and your Base. Along with this I am looking for suggestions on retaining the members we currently have.

Here is a typical question a potential member might ask, Why should I join USSVI?

I would really appreciate it if you could answer that question in your own words.  Your answers to this question could be used in new advertising for USSVI to help to get and retain new members.

As the National Membership Chairman I am asking you the members of USSVI to send me your suggestions to these issues so we can work on this as a team to improve membership and retention. I will then make a report to the E-Board, the Bases and Ill send out a SubVet News (POC) to inform you of the results.

Your help with this will be greatly appreciated. Please send your suggestions to or call me at 518-355-2119.

Pride Runs Deep,
Al Singleman, Jr.
NJVC & National Membership Chairman



NEWS-02: Washington DC Memorial Day Parade Information Submitted by: Al Singleman, Jr NJVC on 4/9/2014


1.  We can have only 4 floats in the parade and the following bases are cleared to bring their floats. Nathanael Green Base/North Carolina, Columbus Base, Marblehead Base, and Rhode Island Base.


The parade staging area in on 7th Street between Independence Ave and Constitution Ave and the floats have to be there between 10 and 11 AM on Monday May 26, 2014. The parade starts at 2PM and ends around 4PM at 17th Street and Constitution Ave.


Floats will have passes to get through the police barricades. You can park your floats at the Hyatt Hotel at no charge. Any member of USSVI can march in the parade including wives who are Associate Members or Subvettes. The uniform of the day is black shoes and socks, black pants, white short sleeve shirt, black tie, vest if you have one and a ball cap or garrison hat.


We have about 22 seats on the floats and I am trying to use them for members who cannot walk the one mile length of the parade and wives who do not want to march.


2.  I will not get the total Parade Package from the production company until about 3 weeks before the Parade. In the mean time I will be making maps, getting you information on the Metro stops and their locations, and other information to make it as easy as possible for you to get to the parade and back to the hotel and home safely. I will be sending each base that marches in the parade a standard photo model waiver sheet that has to be signed by everyone and sent back to me so they can use our pictures in the parade video and next years brochure and photos of this years parade.


3.  The Hotel:

We have 30 single suites and 10 double room suites reserved at the HYATT House in Gaithersburg, MD. The single suite is $99.00 plus tax and the double is $119.00 plus tax. For online booking use the group code G-USSV. The website is  and the address  is:

200 Skidmore Blvd.
Gaithersburg, MD 20877
Phone 301-527-6000

To phone in for reservations use phone # 1-866-974-9288 and code is G-USSV For the online reservations go to and enter your arrive date and depart date. Then under the dates click on special rate (AAA, Govt) and you get another box. In this new box under corporate rate enter the code G-USSV and click on check availability to continue with your reservation.

For those of us not going in with the float, we will be taking the DC Metro train into Union Station and taking a short ride on another line that is very close to the parade form up area. Ill be sending you more info on this.



NEWS-03: 50th Anniversary of USSVI Plaque Dedication Submitted by: Al Singleman, Jr NJVC on 4/9/2014

The USSVI Plaque Dedication Ceremony will be on Saturday May 24, 2014 starting at 1 PM in the theatre at the Navy Memorial Foundation Building to the right of the Navy Memorial at 1 PM.

United States Navy Memorial & Heritage Center
701 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20004

Metro Stop: Archives/Navy Memorial

We have about 30 members attending so far and more are welcome to attend.

Info on this will be included in a parade package that I will be sending to the bases taking part in these events.

We have 8 bases and about 50 members taking part in the parade so far. The bases are: Nat Green, Columbus, Nova, Central Florida, Marblehead, Capital, Rhode Island and Smokey Mountain base.

If other Bases or members want to take part in these events please e-mail at or call at the number below.






Sunday, April 6, 2014


Nominations for this Award may be made by any Member and submitted to the National Awards Chairman by email at, or US Mail to

John Stanford, Chairman
3026 Cesery Blvd.
Jacksonville, FL 32277-3527

The Deadline for Meritorious Award Nominations is April 30, 2014.

The Meritorious Award is presented to the Member or Base that exemplifies the Motto, Pride Runs Deep , who, by the efforts and involvement of an individual Base Member, or if a Base Award, by a group of Members within a base, promote a positive image of the US Navy Submarine Force and/or the US Submarine Veterans through participation in local Veteran affairs, parades, school activities, and presentations to Civic, legislative, Veterans, patriotic, and other local area organizations.

Some examples may be Library displays, Community Bulletin Boards, Schools, and items that appear in print and/or electronic media, Press Releases, Public/Community Service Announcements, etc, which promote the concept of Honor, Duty, Pride, and the history and lore of the US Navy Submarine Force to the general public and community at large.

This Award may be presented to a Base, or an individual, and Membership in United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. is required for this Award.



NEWS-02: The Silver Anchor Award Criteria Submitted by: Awards Chairman on 2/8/2014


Nominations for the Silver Anchor Award may be made by any Member and submitted to the National Awards Chairman by email at


or US Mail to

John Stanford, Chairman

3026 Cesery Blvd.

Jacksonville, FL 32277-3527

The nominations for the Silver Anchor award must be received by April 30, 2014.

The Silver Anchor Award is presented to a Member in recognition of his efforts to support one of the primary objectives of our Creedto provide a way for all submariners to gather for their mutual benefit and enjoyment.

This Award recognizes the Members volunteer support for meetings, projects and events, including work to recruit new Members and to retain the current membership of the Base.

This Award will be presented to individual Members only.

Eligibility for this Award requires Membership in the United States Submarine Veterans, Inc.




NEWS-03: Robert "Bob" Link Commendation Award Criteria Submitted by: Awards Chairman on 2/8/2014


Nominations may be made by any Member and submitted to the National Awards Chairman by email at, or US Mail to

John Stanford, Chairman
3026 Cesery Blvd.
Jacksonville, FL 32277-3527

Nominations from all Members are encouraged, and the final decision is made by the National Commander.  The Deadline for Nominations is April 30, 2014.

This is the USSVI version of a Letter of Commendation from the National Commander and is named for Robert "Bob" Link, who was the first National Commander of USSVI.

A nomination may be made for a Member, or a Base.
The on and presentation of this Award is at the discretion of the National Commander.
Eligibility for this Award requires Membership in United States Submarine Veterans Inc.


NEWS-04: Joe Negri Shipmate of the Year Award Criteria Submitted by: Awards Chairman on 2/8/2014

Nominations must be received by April 30, 2014.

Nominations may be made by any Member and submitted to the National Awards Chairman by email at, or US Mail to

John Stanford, Chairman
3026 Cesery Blvd.
Jacksonville, FL 32277-3527

Joe Negri is considered the Primary Founder of USSVI.

The Joe Negri Award is the highest and most prestigious Award that is presented to a Member, and reflects his personal and individual efforts and participation during the preceding years on a National level, and who has contributed the most to the advancement and embodiment of the USSVI Creed and Agenda.

By his dedicated service and support to our USSVI organization and his fellow Submarine Veteran Brothers, he exemplifies the true meaning and spirit of the word, "Shipmate.

The Members service at a National level should be an important consideration in the nomination for this Award.

Eligibility for this Award requires current Membership in United States Submarine Veterans, Inc.


NEWS-05: The Ben Bastura Historical Achievement Award Criteria Submitted by: Awards Chairman on 2/8/2014

Nominations must be received by April 30, 2014.

Combinations may be made by any Member and submitted to the National Awards Chairman by email at, or US Mail to

John Stanford, Chairman
3026 Cesery Blvd.
Jacksonville, FL 32277-3527

The Ben Bastura Historical Achievement Award is presented to the person/s who have demonstrated their under-standing and commitment to our creed in perpetuating the memory of submariners and submarines by gathering, creating, or in other ways preserving a significant amount of submarine history.

The Award will be presented to a person/s in the submarine community who has shown a broad and encompassing discipline of gathering submarine history. That person/s should have demonstrated they are an expert in the many aspects of gathering and preserving submarine history, its artifacts and documents.

The Award recognizes that for almost 50 years, Ben Bastura collected submarine artifacts, papers, and trivia. He also did much research on all facets of submarines and the people in them. Ben spent untold amounts of his own money to make a museum of his home in Waterford, CT. and to share his love of submarines with the people who came around or who asked for his help freely. Ben also was an author and wrote History of U.S. Submarine Veterans World War II. Ben is gone nowbut, thanks to him, we have many valuable submarine books, papers, plaques, and other objects that are irreplaceable and are located at St. Marys Submarine Museum in St. Marys, Georgia. In the years to come, we are going to need more and more people like Benpeople who have a genuine love of those who have gone before and are determined to preserve our heritage.

Nominations may be made by any Member, and submitted to the National Awards Chairman.

The recipient of this Award shall meet the requirements listed above, and Membership in the United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. is not a requirement.


NEWS-06: The National Awards Nomination Process Submitted by: Awards Chair on 2/8/2014

Any USSVI Member in good standing may nominate any other Member in good standing or Base where appropriate and as stated in the Award description.

Submit the nomination using the following guidelines to  arrive no later than April 30, 2014.

All Award nominations shall be type-written, and shall be a maximum of two pages.

Clearly state the Nominees name, title, and home Base (if applicable ) and the specific Award for which nomination is being made.

Unless otherwise noted, the candidate must be a current member in good standing, however, a Member who has gone on eternal patrol within the last 12 months of the close of the nomination period may also be considered for a posthumous Award.

Each entry shall be for the nomination of a single Award. Do not include more than one Base or Nominee on the same nomination. If a nominee is being considered for more than one Award, a separate nomination is required.

Do not include any photographs or endorsements with the nomination. Separate endorsements for a nominee or a Base are encouraged.

 Nominations may be made by any Member and submitted to the National Awards Chairman by email at, or US Mail to

John Stanford, Chairman
3026 Cesery Blvd.
Jacksonville, FL 32277-3527










Seawolf's Chief

Catch-up news from my email

The attack submarine Seawolf’s chief of the boat was fired Thursday due to unsatisfactory performance, the Navy said.

Master Chief Electronics Technician (SS) Mark R. Philiposian was relieved of duty by Cmdr. Jeff Bierley, the Seawolf‘s commanding officer, the release said.

Philiposian, 41, has been the COB of Seawolf, homeported at Naval Base Kitsap in Bremerton, Wash., since December 2012. He has been administratively reassigned to Submarine Development Squadron 5 in Bangor, Wash., Seawolf’s homeport.

A replacement has not been formally identified, Submarine Force Pacific spokesman Cmdr. Brook DeWalt told Navy Times.

“All options are under consideration, which will include installing a fully qualified chief of the boat,” he said. Command Master Chief (SS/SW) Jared Hofer, Submarine Development Squadron 5’s CMC, is the acting COB.

DeWalt could not elaborate on the circumstances of the relief, only that it was a “performance-based issue” and did not stem from a single incident.

Philiposian enlisted in July 1989 and was previously assigned to Submarine Squadron 1 in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. His awards include the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal and the Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal, DeWalt said.

Philiposian did not immediately respond to requests for comment via email, Facebook and Twitter. His personal Twitter profile lists him as a “U.S. Navy submariner, proud Chief Petty Officer, husband, dad, yacht racer.”


Command Senior Chief Kenneth R. Fuhr IRMO

I just found out about Kenneth Fuhr this afternoon.  His notice is listed below.  Kenneth was an MM aboard the Sea Fox 67-69.

Sailor, Rest  Your Oars.  God bless and thank you for your service.



Command Senior Chief Kenneth R. Fuhr IRMO - Command Senior Chief Kenneth R. Fuhr, 68, of Irmo, SC, entered into eternal rest on February 2, 2014. He was born in Washington, IA, May 17, 1945. At age 18 he joined the United States Navy with aspirations of becoming a submariner. After qualifying submarines, he set his sights on a higher goal-to be "Chief of the Boat." He retired from the U.S. Navy as the Command Senior Chief/Chief of the Boat/Senior Enlisted Adviser, on the USS Henry Clay SSBN-625 Blue Crew in 1984. Ken's next career was at the Surry Nuclear Power Station, where he started as a mechanic and retired 20 years later as a maintenance coordinator, at the age of 59. After spending a life dedicated to his country and the Navy, he wanted to focus on his family and community. He spent the rest of his life taking care of his family and spending quality time with them. Everybody's helper, Ken volunteered at Dutch Fork Elementary School; he was the school district's "Outstanding Volunteer" for 2007-2008. He acted as the base storekeeper for Charleston Base and later Palmetto Base, United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. He also worked as a welding teacher's assistant at Birchwood High School. He was the regional commander of Old Friarsgate Civic Association, block captain on Shillingford Road. In addition to his joy of volunteering, Ken also enjoyed cooking, canning, baking and metal working. Ken is survived by his wife, Evelyn Lourena Smoak Fuhr of Irmo; daughters, Lisa Marie Siddall of Boise, ID, Denise Fuhr Gregory of Virginia, and Lacey Renee Cortese of Columbia, SC; brothers, Allen Fuhr, and James Fuhr; sisters, Janice Drayfahl, Mary Jungbluth, Rita Brooks, and four grandchildren, Tiffany, Shelby, Seven, Chance; and three great-grandchildren, Koda, Aurora and Taro. Ken was preceded in death by his parents, Jack and Verona Fuhr; his son, Roy Phillip Fuhr, and one brother, Stan Fuhr. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in Ken's name to the United States Submarine Veterans, Inc., Palmetto Base. Visitation will take place on Saturday, February 8, 2014, from 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. with service following immediately after in Carolina Memorial Funeral Home. Entombment will take place in Carolina Memorial Park following the service. Arrangements by Carolina Memorial Park, Funerals and Cremations, 7113 Rivers Avenue, North Charleston, SC 29406. 843-797-2222


Thomas S. Pawlowski

Tom served aboard the Sea Fox 55-56 as a TM.

Sailor, rest your Oar.  God bless and thank you for your service.



Thomas S. Pawlowski, Korean War Navy Veteran, served on the submarines Queenfish, Carp and Sea Fox. Beloved husband of Valeria (Nee Stoklosa). Loving father of Stephan (Margaret) and Laura Pawlowski. Cherished brother of Florence Carey and the late Bernard Pawlowski, Frances Samek, Elizabeth Roman and Bernadette Moeller. Adopted Dziadek of Marzenka, Kamil and Damian. Arrangements by Lawn Funeral Home 708-636-2320. Published in Chicago Tribune on Feb. 5, 2014


Charles Berryhill


Just received word that Charles Berryhill’s wife passed away this morning (Tuesday 2/4).

Charles served aboard Sennet as an EM3(SS) during the years 1960-1963

Our most sincere condolences go out to Charles and his family.
