Saturday, March 23, 2013


A Poem Worth Reading, Came My Way Today

                        He was getting old and paunchy

And his hair was falling fast,

And he sat around the Legion,

Telling stories of the past.

Of a war that he once

fought in

And the deeds that he had done,

In his exploits with his buddies;

They were heroes, every one.


And 'tho sometimes to his neighbors

His tales became a joke,

All his

buddies listened quietly

For they knew where of he spoke.


But we'll hear his tales no longer,

For ol' Joe has passed away,

And the world's a little poorer

For a Soldier died today.


He won't be mourned by  many,

Just his children and his wife.

For he lived an ordinary,

Very quiet sort of life.


He held a job and raised a family,

Going quietly on his way;

And the world won't note his passing,

'Tho a Soldier died today.



politicians leave this earth,

Their bodies lie in state,

While thousands note their passing,

And proclaim that they were great.


Papers tell of their life stories

From the time that they were young

But the passing of a Soldier

Goes unnoticed, and unsung.


Is the greatest


To the welfare of our land,

Some jerk who breaks his promise

And cons his fellow man?


Or the ordinary fellow

Who in times of war and strife,

Goes off to serve his


And offers up his life?


The politician's stipend

And the style in which he lives,

Are often disproportionate,

To the service that he gives.


While the  ordinary


Who offered up his all,

Is paid off with a medal

And perhaps a pension, small.


It is not the politicians

With their compromise and ploys,

Who won for us the freedom

That our country now enjoys.


Should you find yourself in danger,

With your enemies at hand,

Would you really want some cop-out,

With his ever waffling stand?


Or would you

want a Soldier

His home, his country, his kin,

Just a common Soldier,

Who would fight until the end.


He was just a common Soldier,


his ranks are growing thin,

But his presence should remind us

We may need his likes again.

For when countries are in conflict,

We find the Soldier's part

Is to clean up all the troubles

That the politicians start.


If we cannot do him honor

While he's here to hear the praise,

Then at least let's give him homage

At the ending of his days.


Perhaps just a simple headline

In the paper that might say:




Pass On The Patriotism! YOU can make a difference.

If you are proud of our Vets, then send this to them. You'll be glad you did.

I wish I knew the author's name so I could give him credit.
Thanks! Curtis Grant for warding this.








Tuesday, March 19, 2013


This Email is for the Sea Fox Association members.

Dues time is rapidly approaching.  They will be dink on 1 April 2013.

Please forward your dues check to:  Alan Wilson   1810 Hamilton Ave.  Mena, AR  71953   Make Check out to “Sea Fox Association.”

Dues remain $10 per year and if you desire, you can certainly pay in advance.

Should you have a question regarding your dues status, please contact me and we will get it taken care of.

You can check our association roster website at   Your current paid up year/s/ are

listed on that page following your name.

If you are not a member and would like more information, contact George.

All the best.



Submarine Ball will be held in Eureka Springs

                   Red Blossom Inn on April 13th. Rooms are $70 per night

Monday, March 11, 2013


From: Robert Holcomb <>

Subject: Mid Yr news
This time with attachment

Shipmates :

Attached is the latest and final news letter update for the Mid Year convention.
Please solicit one more time for attendance. I am very worried about our finances for this convention.

 Thank you and I am looking forward to seeing all who can attend at the convention.

 In Loyalty, Protection, and Support,

Bob Holcomb






Hi Shipmates,

I am writing another book and need your help.  It is called WestPac Sailor and is about the escapades we all were involved in one way or another.  There are lots of good stories to be told.  Here is how it works.  On the website I am about to give you there is a form where you can tell your story(s).  By using that form your story(s) will come to me as anonymous.  I will have no idea who sent it.  Should you want your named added to it you will need to include your name at the end of the story. So have a little fun.  No holds bared.  Any language.  Don't worry about making it perfect.  I will edit for the book.

I know you have stories from the good old days so lets hear them and lets get them in print.

You can use Word or some other program but when you are done you can just cut and paste it into the email.  Any length you want.  Longer the better.  Take your time.  No hurry.

Here is the website: 


Best Regards,

Stan Cook Books By Cook

Sunday, March 10, 2013

The After Battery

Check out our web site:

Fred P. Kaullen USN

Fred served aboard the Sea Fox 61-63.

“Sailor, Rest your Oar.”  God Bless and thank you for your service.



I am sorry to report that my Father Fred P. Kaullen has begun his Final
Patrol. He was a very proud Mustang that loved his time on the SS 402 as
his best ever post in the Navy. He will be Interred at the National
Cemetery  at Miramar, CA. His obituary information will be available at

Thanks for keeping the Sea Fox members connected. It is a sad day for my
Family, and the same for the USN.

Thanks again George.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Robert E. Vaughn

Robert E. Vaughn, CO of the Sea Fox 63-65, sailed on Eternal Patrol on 2/25/2013. 

Capt. Vaughn had a fall at his home in Coronado and was in a coma as a result of the fall.

Capt. Vaughn was a member of the Sea Fox Association for many years.

I will pass along any additional information when I receive it.


Sailor, Rest Your Oars.  God Bless you and thanks for your service.

Monday, March 4, 2013

USSVi 2013 National Convention

The Minneapolis / St. Paul Base (MSP) is the host base for the 2013 National Convention to be conducted August 25 September 1, 2013 in Rochester MN.  We are soliciting advertising for inclusion into the convention magazine.  Purchasing space in this free handout will give the various USSVI bases, boat reunion groups and veteran friendly organizations good exposure to their units.

 Complete information is on our website,  This magazine will be presented to all who attend the National convention as well as many other interested individuals across the nation your information will be in front of many for a small investment.  Ad space prices are:

 Size                        Location               Cost

Full Page              General                                $195.00

½ Page                  General                                $105.00

¼ Page                  General                                $ 60.00

Business Card    General                                $ 35.00

USSVI Bases and Reunion groups discount 15% off these fees.

 Make checks payable to: USSVI 2013 Convention Mail to:

 USSVI 2013 Convention

PO Box 91

Crosslake  MN  56442

 Enclose camera ready copy or typed layout with payment:

Or Submit your ad in PDF format via email to:
Advertising deadline is April 30, 2013.
Rochester, Minnesota  August 25 September 1, 2013 D.C. (Andy) Anderson, Chairman  email:




USS Seafox Reunion

Please click on the link below and then click on the U.S. Flag and it will take you to

the 2013 reunion schedule.  George & Betty Long are requesting that you contact

them with the information that is on the schedule link.