Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Military Lives Lost: Below is the website for a new program called "Honor & Remember". This group is attempting to get a special flag authorized to "Honor & Remember" all military lives lost in defense of our nation. Their stated purpose is given below: "To establish a tangible national symbol of gratitude, as a visible public reminder to all Americans, that perpetually recognizes all military lives lost in defense of our national freedoms." Their web site is:

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Monday, February 15, 2010

The WWII Subvets of the state of Texas are holding their final state convention in Galveston and have designed this patch for their convention. It recognizes their final convention and includes both the American Flag, Texas Flag and an admonition to USSVI to carry on and preserve their heritage and memory. To help fund the convention, they are offering this commemorative patch to anyone who would like to purchase one. The purchase price is $10.00 and the check goes directly to them. This is a pre-order so they know how many patches to order and the patches will be mailed in late February. Make checks payable to WWII SUBMARINE VETERANS CONVENTION and mail to Ron Harter 3007 Twinleaf Drive League City, TX 77573 This post is being made on behalf of William Hamilton, Commander, San Jacinto Chapter WWII Subvets. Patch is 5 x 4.3

Thursday, February 11, 2010

To the men and women who have served
and are still serving our great country
you are the heartbeat of our Nation.
Love one another. Happy Valentine's Day!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

IN CASE YOU NEED A REPLACEMENT .... DD-214 Please pass on to other vets.It's official; DD-214s are NOW Online. The National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) has provided the following website for veterans to gain access to their DD-214s Online: This may be particularly helpful when a veteran needs a copy of his DD-214 for employment purposes. NPRC is working to make it easier for veterans with computers and Internet access to obtain copies of documents from their military files. Military veterans and the next of kin of deceased former military members may now use a new online military personnel records system to request documents. Other individuals with a need for documents must still complete the Standard Form 180, which can be downloaded from the online web site. Because the requester will be asked to supply all information essential for NPRC to process the request, delays that normally occur when NPRC has to ask veterans for additional information will be minimized. The new web- based application was designed to provide better service on these requests by eliminating the records centers mailroom and processing time.