Submarine Stories of WWII by Mary Nida Smith for ages ten and up. A book for boys to learn how the submarine veterans help save the world and the people of America from being captured. And how they sunk enemy ships carrying guns and supplies to their men to kill our men in the military forces on land , sea, and sky. To order a copy send $12.00 plus $2. postage to Mary Nida Smith, 162 Stamford Drive, Lakeview,AR 72642. Thank you.
The U.S. Submarine Veterans World War II was founded in 1955 and Federally Chartered 1981.
Their magazine
Polaris may close down in the Fall 09. A sad day. Many of the WWII Veterans have join the different USSVI bases. In 08, 1,072 Subvets remain in the USSVI. The Twin Lakes Base had their yearly picnic near Norfork Lake yesterday. It was a sunny day with a cool breeze. Had a large turn out and lots of food. Building friendships and supporting each other is what it is all about.
Don't forget to check for a meeting or a reunion near you. Join the Fleet Reserve Association. A great group. I attended there yearly picnic today. They will have their National Conference this year at Branson's Radisson Hotel.
The Navy Then and Now Sonarman and HU-I - I would like to know where I can get information on who was the first Sonarman and what submarine was the first to have sonar installed. Also, some history on the HS-7 helicopters.
Charles Kalba is doing better. Please keep all our military men and women in our prayers. When will we learn to talk peace until we are blue in the face. Yes, I know the difference in war when we the people have no choice, but to protect ourselves.